Cruise Happenings

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Libby Riddles

Princess Cruise line has the exclusive opportunity to have Libby Riddles on on board. I had the wonderful pleasure to meet Libby Riddles. She is the first female to ever win the
Iditroid dog sled race. If you have never heard of Libby Riddles after her 1 hour talk you will be amazed, inspired and truly in ah over this incredible woman.

In 1985 Libby Riddle is the first female to win the Iditroid. The Iditroid dog sled race covers over 1,100-miles of treacherous terrain. Her thrilling details of her journey, love for her dogs just made you want to stand up and cheer. Libby has been named sportswoman of the year and picked by the vets on the Iditroid as treating her dogs the best.

Libby has written several children's books "Storm Run and Danger: The Dog Yard Cat" . My favorite "Race Across Alaska" her journal about the year she won the Iditroid. Check them out they are great!

Panning for Gold & Breweries

Simon the Brewmaster

Klondike Gold Rush - White Pass and Yukon Route

Skagway, Alaska - Town

Skagway is a small town approximate population of 800 people. They have 1 school (grades k-12 average 107 students), library and bank. There local paper is published twice a month " The Skagway News" and will cost you $1.00. The town relies on tourism from May-September.
Outside facade is made up of over 20,000 pieces of drift wood.
In 1887 the "Red Onion Saloon" was Skagways most exclusive bordello. Today, this saloon and brothel museum are on the National Historic Building registry. Stop by and enjoy and drink and some local history. Noted as a favorite hot stop for Skagways visitors.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Ice Bergs ...Straight Ahead!!!

This is the view from our Balcony. At 4:50 am All you could see around us was Ice Bergs! I had to check two watches and call the pursers desk to make sure I had the time right. These pictures don't begin to show how beautiful it really was.

When Husbands Pack Themselves

When I read the tempeture was going to be in the 40's-50's I knew it was going to be cold.
This is why men need us girls.

Traveling thru Tracy Arm Passage. At 6am the sun was up and is was now 48 degrees.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Musher - Jillian Rogers and Dog Camp

Jillian Rogers was the musher I trained with. She is Awesome ! Finding her true calling she packed up leaving corporate life behind and moved to Alaska. Currently she lives up on the glacier with her 30 dogs and are training to their 1st Iditarod Race.
Check out her blog @

The dog camp is an incredible place. As you can see from the photos everything is white and blends in. The dogs and the Mushers live up on Mendenhall Glacier 5 months out the the year. They each get 24hrs off per week to go into town for baths, computer time & talk to family/ friends. Yep! you read right .. Baths. They have an outhouse, cook & share bunks/ dome looking cabins. But there is no television, Internet or cellphones & no alcohol. Most mushers are up there with there own dogs. Several mushers will take the summer season off & let there doggies go to camp.
All the dogs live & sleep in the white wooden boxes. They run /workout several times day. The dogs eat a high protein diet 3 times a day. I was told they train & eat just like athletes. Think of them as marathon runners. I was amazed on how thin,fit and muscular each dog was.